Wanna See Me Sweat?

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used Janet M. Nast So, how many of you made New Year’s resolutions that had something to do with diet and exercise? Did you know that by the second week of February 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail?

(Read: Why 80% of New Year's Resolutions Fail)

That article goes on to say it’s all about one mindset, and we need to change it. Well, my mindset is that I hate diet and I hate exercise: Always have, always will!

But, in spite of myself, I’m here to help you with all that because I have a theory and maybe, just maybe, this will be the solution that’ll work for you when it comes to diet and exercise. Spoiler alert: Here it is:

Rule #1: Everything in Moderation.

Jan's 5 Minute New Year's Resolution Busting Exercises
Jan's Easy Peasy New Year's Resolution Busting Diet

Exercise, YUK!

First, if you wanna see what my idea of “sweating” is, click on the video below. Does it look like I’m dying here? Nope, I’m not. But, I do exercise about 5-10 minutes every single morning and I’ve been doing it for about six or seven years now.

Of course I’ve really pissed off all the die-hards who tell me that I’m just wasting my time:

“You’ve got to do at least 30 minutes of cardio three to five days a week in order for it to be beneficial;”

“Five minutes a day won’t make any visible difference in your body or health.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah, seriously? So what I’m hearing is that doing nothing is better than doing less than 30 minutes? Is that right? Again, Seriously?

Personally, my belief is that doing something every day is better than doing nothing “three to five days a week.” So that’s what I do...the five-minute-a-day part, not the do-nothing part, LOL! And yes, it has made a difference for me. I can now get up off the floor after playing with the grand-kids, I can actually carry the grand-kids or more than one bag of groceries (at a time) into the house from the car, and I can now work in the yard or walk around all day in the mall without dying from exhaustion. Those are some pretty amazing benefits in my world! Yay!

So, what do I do exactly? Well, first, there’s housework.

Don’t ever discount the amount of exercise you get with housework!

Yes, that includes navigating and picking up toys, pushing the vacuum cleaner, grocery shopping (including carrying them into the house and putting them away), standing at the stove cooking dinner and then standing at the sink washing the dishes (or loading the dishwasher) as well as all that goes into carrying, loading and folding laundry, changing sheets and making beds.

Add up the time it takes to do all that and I‘m sure you’ll see you’re getting in at least twenty minutes to an hour a day. All that activity is movement, aka, a form exercise that’ll keep you in great shape. See? Now you have at least 20 minutes of that 30-minute daily workout everyone feels you should have!

In addition to that though, I do have six or seven “official” exercises I do first thing every morning: Two can be done when you wake up in the morning and are still lying in bed (and again when you go to sleep at night) and the rest you can do when you get out of the shower. (Well, after you get dressed, ha!)

Click on either of the buttons below to check out my entire 5-10 minute routine and see if you can’t pick up something easy to do each day. You'll also get to see me sweat, Ha!

Jan's 5 Minute New Year's Resolution Busting Exercises
Jan's Easy Peasy New Year's Resolution Busting Diet

Diet, Yuk Again!

Yeahhh, let’s talk about that diet thing. It’s a real pain in the butt, isn’t it? It seems like I’ve been “on a diet” since my son was born over 30 years ago. But, is it a strict diet? Well, I suppose that depends on who you ask. Was it hard to start? Nope. And that’s because my “diet” started out with a couple of small changes a day and eventually, over the years, it became what it is now.

My Short (I promise) Diet Journey

I say I started my current diet over 30 years ago because that’s when I gained something like 45-50lbs throughout my second pregnancy, but I only lost about 10 of that in childbirth. (Can you relate? And yes, Dad, this applies to sympathy weight gain too!) It so sucked! When it was time to go back to work two months later none of my suits fit and I was too cheap to buy new ones. That, and I just didn’t want to stay fat because I hated how I looked in the mirror. Hey, if vanity works for you too, then I say you should go with it!

Your Free Nutrition Class

drinking water

Well, I ended up by taking nutrition classes which is where I learned a few basic rules for losing weight. I still can’t believe how much I paid to get this simple advice. OMG! Well, here you get it for the low price of signing up for this newsletter. See if these rules make some sense to you:

  1. Diet is 90% of weight loss.
  2. Watch your portion size on everything except fruits and vegetables.
  3. Chug 8 oz of water before each main meal.
  4. Weigh and measure yourself every single morning, buck-ass naked, before breakfast.
  5. You must keep a food diary.
Food diary

Click on either of the buttons below to read all my easy peasy suggestions on how to incorporate at least one, of not some of these changes into your world. Remember even one change will make a difference.

I wish you tons of good juju for success in keeping up your new lifestyle changes, however many you choose to make.



Jan's 5 Minute New Year's Resolution Busting Exercises
Jan's Easy Peasy New Year's Resolution Busting Diet

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