10 Simple Ways to Teach Your Children About Money

Dick Knuth Life After 18, Parenting Leave a Comment


Your kids are never too young to learn about money and where it comes from, but there’s definitely a “too old” option.

A new survey by the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) reports that one in three baby boomers who are nearing or starting retirement — hasn’t done any financial planning in the last two years.

Do you know how old these people are??? THAT would be the “too old” option.

Luckily you’re probably not a Baby Boomer and neither are your children.

Toddler To Approximately 6 – 7 Years Old

Tip #1: Start Having Your Kids Do Chores.

So the cool thing is all of you, and especially your kids, are probably at a good point to start learning about money if you haven’t already. No one is ever too young and it’s almost never too late either...well, except maybe for some baby boomers. I care more about you though.

To get started, know that when you talk with your kids about money...the whole discussion has to be kept simple and age appropriate.

For instance, a toddler won’t care about budgets and bills, but he will be pretty happy to pick up pennies off the ground and put them in a piggy bank.

That's why these tips are listed in order by age-groups:

The first one, for toddlers, will be the first block in your child’s foundation of financial knowledge. Then each tip after that is added to the previous one.

You shouldn’t ever stop or cut out any of these behaviors because eventually your child will be an adult...and all adults have to know these things whether we like them or not!

One caveat: If you’ve never done any of these things with your kids and they’re now pre-teens (teens or young adults), I’d say it’s never too late to start. It’ll just be a little bit tougher to get them started on new things such as doing chores. While that task would be a good start, if they’re fighting you, you might start with tip #6 so they can have a better idea as to why the first five tips are important to them. Kids always want to know “What’s in it for me,” right? (WIFM)

So let’s assume you’re a fairly new parent of a toddler; let’s take a look at what you can teach him or her.

Did you know that researchers identified two things that people need in order to be happy and successful (click to learn more):

  • The first? Love.
  • The second? Work ethic.

The work ethic part of this can be taught when you start having your kids help around the house, aka, do chores.

Studies or not, I’ve always firmly believed that all members of a household should contribute something to the running of said household. In doing so, it helps kids to understand that they are useful and just as important to the family (and household) as everyone else, thus building their self confidence.

Toddler doing chores Now when I say “chores” for a toddler, I don’t mean full on laundry, dishes, vacuuming and scrubbing floors. What I mean is more simple and basic tasks such as having your little girl put all her toys back in the toy box before she goes to bed. Or helping you to carry the already folded clothes into her bedroom. In the kitchen it would be taking their dishes to the kitchen counter after dinner. (Yes, this means you should probably use non-breakable dishes such as Corelle ware, melamine or plastic.)

Keeping in mind that children at this age are still developing their balance and coordination so things may not be done perfectly at first, and accidents, like dropping things, will happen. This is a very important learning age for a child who loves and trusts you unconditionally therefore this is not the time to be scolding your baby for any accidents they may have. When stuff happens you need to be the adult who just corrects or fixes whatever happened while praising them for their help and the job they did do, and move on.

At Around 7 Years Old

Tip #2: Start rewarding your kids with an allowance for completing their chores.

When your kids get to around seven or eight years old you will also be adding things to the chore list such as loading the dishwasher, taking care of the pets, bringing dirty clothes to the laundry room on Friday nights, and / or making their beds each morning, etc.

Girl with piggy bank Getting an allowance helps kids to understand the concept that all grownups/ everyone must to work to get money; it’s not just given to them. And the most important thing you need to remember in order to really drive this point home is to withhold said allowance until the chore is completed. (Which leads to the next important lesson about saving money.)

Now I’ve heard all kinds of arguments against this whole allowance such as,

“No one pays me to clean up around the house,” or,

“This is your house too and you have an obligation to take care of it just like I do.”

Ok, I get it, and those arguments are valid. But the housework is not the point here and this isn't about you.

The point is that we are growing kids who will eventually need to know how the grownup world works so this is a learning/teaching opportunity. And yes, it sucks that your parents may not have taught you this, but really, are you going to make your kids pay for the sins of your parents? Get over yourself.

What you can tell your son or daughter is that when you work, you get paid. So this is a chance for them to see how it feels to get paid for their efforts. Yes, it’s a little more complicated in the grown up world because of bills and taxes, but you’re gonna start them out with the easy part.

Tip #3: Buy your kids two, not one but TWO, piggy banks.

Again, at the same time you start your kids on an allowance, you have the opportunity to teach them about saving money. The idea here is to teach your kids the value of saving for a rainy day, or new toy/book/bike that they can eventually buy for themselves.

used Janet M. Nast Saving for something is a good way for them to eventually learn about and understand budgeting.

The way to work this is to let them keep one bank – or even a change purse/ wallet – in their bedroom and the other one stays in your room...out of reach, like a real bank. Then, when they get their allowance they can then split it up between the two banks however you think is best. That could be 50/50 or 70/30...you decide.

From there you can explain to your child that the one in their possession contains the money they can spend whenever they want. And of course the one in your room is a savings account where they can save money until there’s enough there to buy that new toy/book/bike or whatever it is they want. Sort of like short-term goal setting. See? Two lessons in one!

Funny how I’m sitting here at 62 years old thinking, boy do I wish I had put more money in that second piggy bank than I did! I’ll bet even you might even be saying that – am I right?

Tip #4: Make a chart of who should do which chores and when.

used Janet M. Nast After your kids have been doing chores for awhile, maybe six months to a year, they may also have figured out that Mom or Dad aren’t real good at keeping track of who’s supposed to be doing what and when.

So this tip serves two purposes:

  • It makes your expectations very clear as to who is responsible for what, and when.

    Hm, there’s a new word, “responsible.” This is a good time for them to learn “responsibilities,” don’t you agree?

  • It helps you to remember what you’ve asked of them.

Seriously, before I wrote all this down and posted it on our fridge, my kids used to really mess with me by saying,

“No Mom, Alan was supposed to load the dishwasher this week,” or

“No Mom, Jenn was supposed to clean the litter box today.”

Since I didn’t remember, it was tough to argue so I’d just get mad and yell at both of them. Yeah, that was way too much stress. So trust me, you’ll be grateful if you write it all down.

Tip #5: Encourage your kids to pick up loose change off the ground.

used Janet M. Nast

Ok, yeah, I know, this is a weird one. But I think it teaches us the value of money and the fact that it should never be thrown away.

For 18 years my kids and I put that free money in one of those old 5-gallon water jugs. When my kids graduated high school we had saved around $175. Then I let them roll it, take it to the bank to cash it in, and split it between themselves.

They thought it was so cool to watch that jar fill up over the years and then to see how much it really was. Not bad for just a bunch of stray pennies!

They’ve both been gone from home for over 10 years now but they both still pick up pennies...so do I...it’s a hard habit to break!

From Fifth Grade Thru Approximately 15 Or 16 Yrs. Old

I think these next two tips usually come about when your kids are getting into junior high and high school and they start asking you to buy a lot more expensive things such as smart phones, tablets, designer clothes or backpacks. It’s kind of tough when all their friends have them and their allowance doesn’t quite cover it.

Tip#6: Keep a list of the bills you pay and review it with them each month.

used Janet M. Nast

Making your kids aware of what it costs to live in a house (and have food, water, cars, electricity, and a cell phone) is a pretty important lesson for them to learn. It’s probably going to be pretty shocking to them too!

This tip also gives them an introduction to budgeting.

The sooner they understand the concept, the easier it’ll be when you have to explain to them that if they want a cell phone, they’ll have to get a job that pays enough to cover the cost of it. Same with getting a car.

I started going over the bills with my kids when they were in junior high. The easiest way to do this was to write up a list of the bills in a spiral notebook. Then at the top of the list I would write down how much pay I had coming in, (honestly I would put a number that reflected what was left after I subtracted out savings and gas money) and then subtract out the dollar amounts for the bills.

By fifth grade your kids can do simple math and they can see exactly what is left over at the end of the month. You can also point out how much is left for things like groceries, eating out, or movies. And this is when you could either say, “sorry, it all goes to groceries,” or some can go to groceries and then put the rest away for movies at the end of the month, or a trip to Disneyland in the fall, or new summer clothes. I’m sure you get the idea.

Sixteen Years and Up

Tip #7 Take them to a bank and open their first savings account.

Right off the get go this is going to make your teenage feel really grown up. (Boy, I sure did!)

There’s something about walking into that formal setting surrounded by all those other grownups, that just makes you feel so darn important. This ain’t no piggy bank anymore; this is real, and this is official because they have to fill out their first “official” form and actually sign it. And, this is an introduction to how the rest of the world manages money.

Wow! I get excited just thinking about what that was like when I first did it!

Anyway, as far as a debit card, those hadn’t been invented when my kids were growing up so I’m not sure how I’d handle that part of the process. But I mean, this is a savings account for something big, like their first car, so you really don’t want them to ever be tempted to drain it all for one wild and crazy night out. Sorry Mom and Dad, you’ll need to give that one some thought.

Tip#8: Explain all the information and deductions on a pay stub.

I’m guessing, by this age, your son or daughter will have gotten a part time job...or they may be thinking of one. Even if they haven’t, it’s a good time to get them thinking about what happens with a real live paycheck. (Although you may not want to share your exact income; God knows you don’t need them to blab that to all their friends!)

Ok, how many of you were stunned when your first ever paycheck wasn’t what you though it was supposed to be? Yeah, me too!

“$1.65 an hour for 35 hours should be $49.50. But wait, my check is only $30. WHAT? My boss is cheating me!”

payroll deductions Kids need to learn what all those deductions are for and why. It will help them to fully understand what they can or can’t do when it comes to budgeting for their first big expense such as a car payment.

Oh, and the why of this information is right here in these next two tips.

Eighteen To Twenty One

Tip #9: Explain how things like roads, parks, police & school teachers get paid.

Most kids are pretty shocked to learn that all their teachers are getting paid out of Mom and Dad’s paychecks by way of state and federal payroll deductions/income taxes. (More examples are included in tip #10, below.) Mine sure were.

You may even want to go so far as to even tell your kids about how streets and street lights, public parks, and schools are all being built using the same funds. Doing so just might get them to have a better appreciation for these types of things. I mean, I think it’s more personal when they know that someday it will be their money paying for it.

And I’ll tell you what, if more kids knew how this worked, they just might be less likely to swing from basketball hoops in public parks, trash public restrooms, trash schools or classrooms, or even harass all the city and county workers, including their teachers, who get paid the same way.

Surprisingly enough, telling my kids about this also made the discussion about various tax increase proposals much easier for them to understand. And that takes us to the last tip.

Tip #10: Explain where the government gets their money.

Government money

Your kids need to be aware that when the government spends money, it’s money that comes from Mom and Dad’s paycheck and eventually from their own. Be sure to emphasize the fact that the "Government” also includes salaries for all the politicians from the local mayor, right on up to the Vice President of the United States. (Usually this would also include the President, but the current President, by his choice, does not collect a salary.)

This will help them to understand the connection between a politician and said politician’s stance on how they want to spend all our tax dollars.

For instance: Cleaning up public streams, rivers and lakes, building new highways, maintaining national parks, space exploration, all things military such as bases, equipment and salaries, all things regarding prisons, again, such as the structures, salaries, food and clothing for prisoners, emergency responders, police, firefights, free housing or medical care for all Americans.

All in all, this is the tip that will get your kids ready for the number one adulting task in the country: Voting!

Remember you, me and all our kids have a dog in those fights which takes us right back to that old phrase,

"What's in it for me?" (WIFM)


I did my best to list these tips in age appropriate order for the purpose of showing you that if you start feeding your kids financial information at a young age (toddler) they may very well be ready to stand on their own two feet by the time they get out of school.

I’d love to hear any feedback or tips you might want to share with the masses so please feel free to email me directly at jan@janetmnast.com or post a comment below.

As always, I wish you luck in this wonderful but sometimes challenging journey of growing adults!



Wanna See Me Sweat?

Dick Knuth General Information, In My Opinion, Life After 18, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

used Janet M. Nast So, how many of you made New Year’s resolutions that had something to do with diet and exercise? Did you know that by the second week of February 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail?

(Read: Why 80% of New Year's Resolutions Fail)

That article goes on to say it’s all about one mindset, and we need to change it. Well, my mindset is that I hate diet and I hate exercise: Always have, always will!

But, in spite of myself, I’m here to help you with all that because I have a theory and maybe, just maybe, this will be the solution that’ll work for you when it comes to diet and exercise. Spoiler alert: Here it is:

Rule #1: Everything in Moderation.

Jan's 5 Minute New Year's Resolution Busting Exercises
Jan's Easy Peasy New Year's Resolution Busting Diet

Exercise, YUK!

First, if you wanna see what my idea of “sweating” is, click on the video below. Does it look like I’m dying here? Nope, I’m not. But, I do exercise about 5-10 minutes every single morning and I’ve been doing it for about six or seven years now.

Of course I’ve really pissed off all the die-hards who tell me that I’m just wasting my time:

“You’ve got to do at least 30 minutes of cardio three to five days a week in order for it to be beneficial;”

“Five minutes a day won’t make any visible difference in your body or health.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah, seriously? So what I’m hearing is that doing nothing is better than doing less than 30 minutes? Is that right? Again, Seriously?

Personally, my belief is that doing something every day is better than doing nothing “three to five days a week.” So that’s what I do...the five-minute-a-day part, not the do-nothing part, LOL! And yes, it has made a difference for me. I can now get up off the floor after playing with the grand-kids, I can actually carry the grand-kids or more than one bag of groceries (at a time) into the house from the car, and I can now work in the yard or walk around all day in the mall without dying from exhaustion. Those are some pretty amazing benefits in my world! Yay!

So, what do I do exactly? Well, first, there’s housework.

Don’t ever discount the amount of exercise you get with housework!

Yes, that includes navigating and picking up toys, pushing the vacuum cleaner, grocery shopping (including carrying them into the house and putting them away), standing at the stove cooking dinner and then standing at the sink washing the dishes (or loading the dishwasher) as well as all that goes into carrying, loading and folding laundry, changing sheets and making beds.

Add up the time it takes to do all that and I‘m sure you’ll see you’re getting in at least twenty minutes to an hour a day. All that activity is movement, aka, a form exercise that’ll keep you in great shape. See? Now you have at least 20 minutes of that 30-minute daily workout everyone feels you should have!

In addition to that though, I do have six or seven “official” exercises I do first thing every morning: Two can be done when you wake up in the morning and are still lying in bed (and again when you go to sleep at night) and the rest you can do when you get out of the shower. (Well, after you get dressed, ha!)

Click on either of the buttons below to check out my entire 5-10 minute routine and see if you can’t pick up something easy to do each day. You'll also get to see me sweat, Ha!

Jan's 5 Minute New Year's Resolution Busting Exercises
Jan's Easy Peasy New Year's Resolution Busting Diet

Diet, Yuk Again!

Yeahhh, let’s talk about that diet thing. It’s a real pain in the butt, isn’t it? It seems like I’ve been “on a diet” since my son was born over 30 years ago. But, is it a strict diet? Well, I suppose that depends on who you ask. Was it hard to start? Nope. And that’s because my “diet” started out with a couple of small changes a day and eventually, over the years, it became what it is now.

My Short (I promise) Diet Journey

I say I started my current diet over 30 years ago because that’s when I gained something like 45-50lbs throughout my second pregnancy, but I only lost about 10 of that in childbirth. (Can you relate? And yes, Dad, this applies to sympathy weight gain too!) It so sucked! When it was time to go back to work two months later none of my suits fit and I was too cheap to buy new ones. That, and I just didn’t want to stay fat because I hated how I looked in the mirror. Hey, if vanity works for you too, then I say you should go with it!

Your Free Nutrition Class

drinking water

Well, I ended up by taking nutrition classes which is where I learned a few basic rules for losing weight. I still can’t believe how much I paid to get this simple advice. OMG! Well, here you get it for the low price of signing up for this newsletter. See if these rules make some sense to you:

  1. Diet is 90% of weight loss.
  2. Watch your portion size on everything except fruits and vegetables.
  3. Chug 8 oz of water before each main meal.
  4. Weigh and measure yourself every single morning, buck-ass naked, before breakfast.
  5. You must keep a food diary.
Food diary

Click on either of the buttons below to read all my easy peasy suggestions on how to incorporate at least one, of not some of these changes into your world. Remember even one change will make a difference.

I wish you tons of good juju for success in keeping up your new lifestyle changes, however many you choose to make.



Jan's 5 Minute New Year's Resolution Busting Exercises
Jan's Easy Peasy New Year's Resolution Busting Diet

Are You Too Young to Start Saving for Retirement?

Dick Knuth Business of Life 1 Comment

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My brother, a long haul truck driver, dropped in this past weekend accompanied by his co-driver, Jeremiah Johnson (yes, that’s his real name for those of you who remember that movie.) During good meals and good conversations we came around to the topic of retirement.

Jeremiah had this to say about that:

“I don’t understand. People work their whole lives and make good money. Why do so many of them struggle financially when they retire? Where do things go wrong?”

Two days later I shared this conversation with my son, who then told me he had just encountered an elderly homeless couple when he stopped in a parking lot to make a phone call. He said,

big cute mastiff

“Mom, it was so sad especially because they were your age. I can’t imagine you being in this situation...how does this happen?”

Good question. But honestly, it didn’t take me long to come up with five very solid answers. See if one or two of these don’t resonate with you.

1. Most people don’t really understand what it means to “retire” so they don’t know how to plan for it.

This is what it means to retire:

You quit your job. Voluntarily.

So what’s that look like on paper? Remember that 50k a year you were earning? Yeah, well, that goes away and now you make zero dollars. So, no more automatic payroll deposits into your bank account and no more raises (aka, “fixed income”).

But guess what doesn’t drop to zero: Your financial obligations, aka, your debt. You know, things like your rent or mortgage payments, car payment, utilities, cell phone bill, credit card debt, and any insurance you have.

With that in mind, how do you think you’re going to continue to pay those bills with no income?

2. People make 50k a year, but spend like they’re making 100k.

We all do it especially as easy as it is to get caught up in the more recent trend (due to massive marketing) of using credit cards for every darn thing.

3. YOLO: You Only Live Once.

This isn’t an uncommon attitude at all. Most people under the age of 35 or 40 do this and it’s not meant as an insult. I mean, I don’t know about you but when I was in my 20’s I really didn’t give retirement a single thought, let alone a second thought. If there was any saving to be done at all it might’ve been to save for a vacation or Black Friday shopping.

4. Job loss/Layoffs

Some companies have a nasty habit of either going out of business, shutting down various locations (General Motors) or laying people off/firing them/ forcing an involuntary retirement a few years short of government retirement age. (That would be 59.5 for any 401k or Roth IRA accounts, and 62 for Social Security.)

In my experience this seems to happen when a long term employee has been working for a big company for 20+ years. While it’s illegal as hell to practice age discrimination, big corporations will find a way to work that option if they want to save money by hiring younger, lower paid workers.

AT & T for instance, laid off my husband (after 35 years) when he got hurt on the job and needed major surgery. Tom was 57. My brother’s hours were cut to 16 per week at the plastics company in Flint when he was mid 50’s so he could no longer pay his bills. Thank God I was still working full time and my brother’s wife was too, but boy did we all have to make some serious adjustments!

5. Debilitating Illness

This could include, but not by any means be limited to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc.

So how can you avoid becoming homeless when you’re a senior citizen?

Denying the fact that you will become a senior citizen will only get you into trouble... and possibly homeless. (Hey, with some good living, good luck and a few prayers, we will all eventually become senior citizens.)

The only way to ensure a good lifestyle in your later years is to make a plan.

You’re Never Too Young to Start Planning

big cute mastiffI strongly suggest you think about doing this when you get your first job. No, that’s not too young; there’s no such thing as too young to plan for retirement. Just like it’s never too late either. Heck, I didn’t start till I was 40!

Make a plan: Five Steps to Retirement

Here are the five basic steps:

  1. Buy a house if, or, as soon as you can.
  2. Avoid debt and/or pay off as much of your serious debt as soon as possible.
  3. Calculate how much you think you’ll need to save/ live on in your retirement years.

  4. Determine the age at which you want to quit working/retire.
  5. Start saving ASAP: Saving’s account, 401k, 401k Roth IRA

Let’s take a closer look:

1. Buy a house if, or as soon, as you can.

I know that not everyone is in a position to do this. I mean, for those who have jobs that require them to relocate every six months or every two years, such as the military, this just isn’t going to happen 'till you change jobs or retire.

Then there are those who just don’t want to be “tied down,” or “put down roots” because they have a wandering soul. And that’s fine. But keep in mind, with that type of life style, you will have zero control over the cost of your housing as time passes and you grow older.

That said, I would say that after buying a car, this is one the most important financial goals you can set for the simple reason that it’s the best rent control you can ever have.

Look at it this way: Once you have a 30-yr mortgage, your “rent” won’t go up for the next 30 years! No more $50 - $100 rent increases every six months. Then, in 30 years when that debt is paid off and you retire, you get to live rent free forever!

Yes, you will still have homeowner’s insurance and property taxes, but that will always be a small fraction of what you would pay in rent or a mortgage.

Either way, SWEET!

2. Avoid debt/pay off your serious debt.

“Serious” debt would include a house, a car, or major credit card purchases of say, over $1,000.

Seriously, paying everything off is actually doable when you start with considering a 30-year mortgage. Yes, it will take 30 years to pay it off, which seems like a long time. But look at this way: If you buy a house when you’re 30 it’ll be paid off by the time you’re 60. All you have to do is buy the right one the first time and keep it. Just avoid the temptation to up-size because everyone else is or because you just got a raise.

Then think about buying a car. Five-year car loans really are paid off in 5 years. Again, keep the same car, do the required routine maintenance, and most vehicles will last 15-20 years.

used dodge paid off

Ok, I know some of us start out with a hand-me-down junker so this might seem a little more challenging. I get it. My first car at 16 was my family's 1963 Rambler; my last was this used 2013 Dodge Ram truck. (BTW, you save a TON of money when you buy used.)

And I know it’s easy to have a need for a larger vehicle when your family grows, and then when all the kids move out you have a desire to downsize. So yeah, you may just go through a few cars by the time you’re 50 or so, but still, if you buy your last one at that age, just be serious about its maintenance and you won’t have another car payment for the rest of your life.

Also, limit your credit card usage. There’s no doubt when they offer incentives such as 15% discount and zero interest when using their store credit card, it’s a great idea. But still try to be good and just charge what you can pay off in a couple of months. Otherwise this kind of debt can follow you right into your grave!

3. Calculate how much you think you’ll need to save/ live on in your retirement years.

How much do you think you’ll need to save/ live on for those retirement years? Look at your current lifestyle: house, car pmt, credit cards. Keep in mind that if you’re paying rent rather than a mortgage, that dollar amount will continue to rise (to who knows what) after you retire, along with the cost of your utilities, gas, and food. We can’t possibly predict what all those dollar amounts will be so let’s just look at your current total monthly payments.

For example, we’ll say if you’re making $50k per year, 10% goes to taxes and 10% goes to other payroll deductions (Medicare, soc sec, etc), and the remaining 30k goes out to bills, gas and groceries.

That means that you need a minimum of 30k per year to live on. Take that 30k a year and multiply it by however many more years you think you might live after you retire.

To figure that out, let’s say you want to retire at 62 so you can collect Social Security and draw on your 401k. And you’re in reasonably good health so you believe you’ll live another 25 years after retirement bringing you to 87 years of age. Hey, it could happen! And even if you don’t, I’d suggest planning for it just in case you surprise yourself. Ha!

Either way, that would be 25 years x $30k per year = $750,000 Yikes!!! Yes, ideally you should save a three quarters of a million dollars. Yikes again!!! When someone told me that years ago, I freaked! There’s no way I could save that!

But wait!

Before you freak out, let’s re-calculate how much you need to live on each month when some of that “serious” debt is gone. I doubt you’ll need that much...I sure didn’t.

Let’s start with the house: In 30 years your house will be paid off. Remember? So imagine your house payment is $1500 per month. But part of that is taxes and insurance (say $250), so maybe you’ll no longer have $1,250 a month in mortgage payments. That’s $15,000 per year taken off that $30k per year you thought you’d need. Now you only need $15,000 per year to live on. Multiplied again by those 25 years of retirement life. Now we’re looking at $375,000 you need to save. That feels a little more doable, don’t you think? And if you get your car paid off before retirement, that’s even better, yay!!!

To see what you need to save annually, then monthly, let’s do a bit more math.

Take that 375k and divide it by the number of years you’ll be working. This is where you look at how old you are when you start saving and decide how long you should work, aka, how many years before you want to retire. Let’s say, you’re 25 now, and want to retire at 62...so that’s 37 years. At that rate, you should save $10,135 per year or $845 per month.

Yes, it sounds like a lot, but there are a few other things to factor in, such as compounded interest which means your money grows faster depending on how it’s invested while sitting in that 401k account. If you have payroll deductions for Social Security, that will also supplement your retirement income.

So please, don’t panic and give up. Something set aside, is wayyyy better than nothing and it may be just the right amount to keep you from being homeless in your senior / retirement years.

4. Determine the age at which you want to quit working / retire.

You must ask yourself at what age do you want to quit your job and rely on whatever you have in savings to live out the rest of your years. This is probably the most important factor in planning for a comfortable retirement. But before you decide, you need to be very clear on the government’s guidelines on what “retirement age” actually is.

First, if you plan on drawing Social Security, currently the youngest age you can do so is 62.

Second, the youngest age you can draw from your 401k or 401kRoth – without paying hefty penalties – is 59 1/2.

Also keep in mind that when you retire, your income, whatever it is, will now be lower than it was when you were working, and it’s also considered a “fixed income” meaning you will no longer be getting raises on a regular basis: it is what it is probably for the rest of your life. The good news is that you’ll be in a lower income tax bracket, therefore you pay a lot less in income taxes.

So let’s get back to when you want to retire.

In the previous example (question 3) we had you retiring at 62. When you look at how much you should save in an ideal world, you may want to work a bit longer. Of course if you find yourself in a position where you can save more, or your money grows in your 401k faster than anticipated, you could retire sooner. Only you can do the math and make this decision based on your circumstances. Everyone’s situation is different and there are no hard rules.

That said, keep in mind that you may have some other retirement income options. I’ve included an overview of a four of them in the following pages.

5. Start saving ASAP!

As I said earlier, there is no such thing as too young to save for retirement.

Seriously, set up a 401k as soon as your employer offers the option. Even if you don’t think you can save as much as you calculated, it’s better to save something rather than nothing.

I mean, I didn’t start my 401k until I was 40 because someone finally showed me the math (shown in the table below under the "401k" heading) and believe me, as a single mom with two kids, I didn’t save all that much. But I’m sure happy for what I did save. Again, it’s better than nothing.

Below I’ve described four common retirement income options to which most everyone has access. No matter which kind of retirement/savings account you choose to use, most of them will grow in interest over time, which means you will end up with a lot more money than what you actually put in. The reason for this is something called “compounded interest.”

Rather than inserting a techy definition for it, let me explain with the following simple example.

Compounded Interest Simply Put

Let’s say you put $20 in savings this month. You now have $20 in savings at the end of the month. And let’s say it earns 1% interest that month, which is 2 cents.

Next month you put in another $20 for a total of $40.02. You then earn 1% interest on total combined amount of $40.02, which is .4002,or 4 cents. Now you have $40.06.

The next month you put in another $20, added to the $40.06 for a total of $60.06. The 1% interest is now being calculated on $60.06...which gets you .6 cents in interest for a total of $60.12.

Basically, the interest is always being calculated on the new total balance, not just on the extra $20 you put in each month.

This is a very simplified example, but it illustrates the point that if you start doing this even with a simple interest account, you could have a lot of money saved over the course of your 35-40 years of saving.

If you invest the money in your 401k account, it could be a lot more because most times people will put that 401k money into stocks or money market accounts that pay a lot more than 1% interest.

How much does anyone save?

And in what type of account?

There’s no standard: All who chose to save do it differently based on their monthly bills and what they think they can afford. And they all choose different types of accounts whether it be putting “before-tax” dollars in a 401k account, or investing “after-tax dollars” in stocks and bonds or a 401(k) Roth account. There’s no right way to do this, just do what you feel is right for you and your situation.

Sadly, not everyone chooses to save even a dime. I would say that that’s the only wrong choice because it’s a major contributing factor to the issue of so many struggling and homeless senior citizens.

Following are simple explanations for a few of the most practical and easiest to set up options.

Retirement Accounts

Many employers offer the option of setting up and managing retirement accounts for you.

If your employer doesn’t offer these, check to see if your bank or credit union does; many offer these services at no charge.

There are many kinds of retirement accounts, but I’m only going to describe the four most common: Social Security, pension, 401(k) and 40K(k) Roth (aka Roth IRA).

Social Security Accounts

This is the one your employer is required to set up by the federal government. Your Social Security account number is your Social Security number, which is why you need to give it to your employer. The payroll department will automatically deduct a certain amount (outlined in a chart by the government) from each paycheck you get and it will be deposited into your (government) Social Security account.

You cannot access this money until you turn 62, minimum. At age 62 you can apply (to the Social Security Administration) for it but you will only get a percentage of it. In other words, at 62 you might get 60 percent of what you’re entitled to, at 65 you might collect 75 percent and at 68 you might collect 100 percent. I say “might,” because I really don’t know the exact age and percentage brackets. A tax accountant or financial planner can provide the exact numbers.


This type of retirement account is set up and run by the company for which you work. Not many companies have pensions anymore. Pensions cost employers a lot of money, which is why so many no longer offer them. (Most offer 401(k) accounts, which are explained next.)

Here is basically how pensions work:

The employer deposits a certain amount of money into each employee’s account each month for as long as the employee works for that company.

The employee can collect payments from his or her pension account after he or she has worked for the company a certain number of years and has reached retirement age. The company determines what that number of years is and what that age is.

If the company did a good job of guessing how long you will live after you retire and what it will cost you to live and maintain your current lifestyle, you should be getting pension payments close to what your salary was, for the rest of your life.

So you can see why a pension would cost an employer a lot of money. That’s why many companies no longer do this.

401(k) vs. 401(k) Roth

What’s really sad here is that I didn’t learn the difference between the two of these until I was 56 years old! You should know this sooner in life so that you make the best choice when it can really make a difference. Both of these accounts can be set up and managed by your employer.

Here are some facts and differences between the two:

The 401(k) is money deducted from your paycheck before any federal and state income taxes, and Social Security are calculated and deducted. In the long run, that means that when you pull money out of your 401(k) account you have to pay taxes on it. This is referred to as “deferred” taxes.

Surprisingly enough, this is not always a bad thing because when you retire, you no longer have that full-time, steady paycheck coming in, so your income is probably going to be a lot lower. Thus, you pay lower income taxes.

As far as I know, only an employer can set this up because only your employer can get a hold of your paycheck before taxes. But ask someone in your Human Resources (HR) department, a tax accountant or a financial planner to be sure.

Money for a 401(k) Roth account is deducted from your paycheck after all federal and state deductions are taken out of your paycheck. That means that when you retire and start taking money out of this account, you do not have to pay taxes on it. Most employers and most banks can set this up for you since you cash your check and make deposits after taxes.

While a 401(k) Roth account might sound like a regular savings account, it’s not. But it is similar to a 401(k) in these ways:

  • You should not take money out of either a 401(k) or 401(k) Roth account until you reach retirement age (59 1/2 as of this writing).

  • If you make a withdrawal and do not pay it back (vs. a loan against it that must be paid back with after-tax money plus interest), you will have to pay a 10 percent penalty on that money. And, in the case of the 401(k), you would also have to pay the deferred income taxes.
  • You can also decide where you want the money in these accounts to be invested over the years. That can be good because you have the potential of earning a lot more interest than just the 1 percent to 2 percent that savings accounts are currently paying.

The table (shown below) is an example of three scenarios using nice, rounded numbers. It uses $50,000 per year as a salary, and 10 percent being deducted in taxes every year and what your take-home pay could look like each year depending upon how you choose to save for retirement.

You can see in the first column, if you put 5 percent into a 401(k), that would be 5 percent of your $50,000 base salary, or $2,500, going into that account. Now you still have to pay 10 percent in income taxes, but it’s 10 percent of $47,500, which is only $4,750 instead of $5000.

The example in the next column shows what it looks like if you choose not to save anything for retirement.

The third column shows what your income and then retirement account looks like if you choose to put that 5 percent into a 401(k) Roth account.

401(k) Chart

On one hand, even though you’ll have the same take home pay with a Roth 401(k), you aren’t saving as much money. On the other hand, you are paying all your income taxes up front with the Roth 401(k) and you won’t be taxed again later, like a regular 401(k).

While this is a simplified explanation of how these two accounts work, it gives you enough information to at least think about it and get started saving.

If you have questions about this and can’t decide what you want to do, talk to your parents and see what they’ve done for their retirement.

If they’ve done nothing then talk with an accountant or a financial planner. H & R Block might answer some basic questions for you for free.

You can also look up terms such as “401(k)” and “401(k) Roth” on the Internet.

Bottom Line

Whatever you decide, it’s a smart idea to do something, and to begin as young as you can – even if it’s only 1 percent of each paycheck. Who knows what kind of money you will have coming in as you grow older and when you’re 62? But with one or two of these options, you will at least have something.

Which, as I mentioned in the beginning of this paper, is not something everyone realizes they need to do until it’s too late. That is why so many elderly retirees are struggling financially (or sadly, even homeless) even after they’ve worked so hard for so many years. Bottom line,

You are never too young to start saving for your retirement.

As I continued the conversation with my son he told me that out of all the classes he ever took in high school, math was the only one that will never change, was not open to debate, nor was it just a matter of opinion: It’s fact. He said that the simple math (described here) is what convinced him to open his 401k account at the ripe old age of 19 when he was a Marine making a lot less than minimum wage.

used car paid off

I’ll add to that by saying the only two things you can count on in life is taxes and death. Some feel that getting older is a crap shoot, but why not hedge your bets by planning for it? That and I realized a long time ago that there is no guarantee that anyone else will take care of me if I don’t do it myself: The same could be said for you.

I hope this helps you to decide to start saving now no matter how old you are.



Should You Interrupt Your Kids’ Phone Calls?

Dick Knuth Parenting Leave a Comment

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Interrupting your son (or daughter) on the phone is a good opportunity to gain their respect for your authority.

Yes, interrupt him, yes, embarrass him in front of his 11-year-old friends. Do it now so that when he is a teenager, you won’t have to do it again. That’ll be a much bigger fight!

When you make a conscious decision that your son’s friends and his feelings are more important (to you) than what you are saying, he will get that message loud and clear. So imagine the next time you need him to do something but he’s on the phone with his friends or even just watching TV: What do you think he’s going to do? My guess, he will ignore you. That’s because you already told him before that his conversations with his friends (his need) are much more important to you than what you need or want him to do even in your mind.

big cute mastiff

This goes for interrupting their TV shows (or movies), any of their 'hanging out with their friends time,' their relaxing time...whatever it is. Your interruptions helps them to understand your priorities: Your rules for them and the household priorities are more important than their needs. But by showing him that not embarrassing him in front of his friends (his need) is more important than your needs, well, he learns really quick that his needs are much more important than yours.

Look back on how things were done when you were growing up. If chores needed to be done, we didn’t go anywhere till they were done. If you were on the phone and I had a question, then you damn well better answer that question or the phone call ends. You gain the authority over your children by putting your needs as a parent first.

So I’m suggesting keep your eyes peeled and look for those opportunities to enforce your authority: When you need something done, turn off the TV to explain; take away that snack when you’re talking to them; hang up on their call when you need them to listen to you. Take away their distraction. Then they have to listen and you don’t waste your energy yelling.

I hope this helps.




Six Things No One Tells You About Dog Ownership

Dick Knuth Business of Life Leave a Comment

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I think we can all agree there are a lot of good reasons to adopt a dog, right?

Here're a few:

  • First, they're so freaking cute and adorable and lovable!
  • Second, dogs will love you unconditionally for as long as they live, making them one of the best companions you could ever have.
  • Many breeds can provide excellent protection.
  • Getting a dog for your kids will be a great opportunity for them to learn responsibility. And what a great birthday present!
  • A lot of people get puppies as a training program for having kids.
  • And I've had a number of people tell me that the grand kids would love for me to have one to play with when they visit, and since I'm semi-retired now, I have plenty of time for one. Ha!
big cute mastiff

So who wouldn't agree? Great idea, right?

Yeah, no.

While I agree with all those statements wholeheartedly, I still won't own a dog. And I have all kinds of reasons for that. And the reason I'm sharing my reasons with you is because I heard about an adoption event on the radio this past weekend where they were encouraging all their listeners to go to their local animal shelter and help them out by adopting a dog. Kid's birthdays were mentioned quite a few times along with companions for single-dog homes and then companions for those who live alone.

So, wow! Tens of thousands of dogs were adopted nationwide because of this annual event! It sounded wonderful!

But, hmm yeah, I wonder how many of these poor puppies will end up back in the same shelters in a few weeks because people didn't realize how much time, energy and work they really are. That's what compelled me to write out this list.

Since I've had both dogs and kids I'm going to make this list a little more interesting by throwing in a few comparisons between dog ownership and kid "ownership." Hahaha! This should be interesting, right?

By the way, I wouldn't advocate having kids based on this list. That's a whole other discussion and a whole 'nother book. (You Can't Love Your Children Too Much) This is just for sake of helping you to see things from another perspective.

1. Potty Training: The back yard will be your dog's forever toilet.

big cute mastiff

Yes, potty training seems to take forever for both toddlers and puppies. At least with babies though, they have a diaper to contain their "accidents." Anyone who's tried to potty train a puppy knows what it's like to get up in the middle of the night and step in a nice cold puddle of dog pee...or worse! If you've never experienced this before, why would you want to start now?

As far as the time it takes to potty train a puppy...I really can't remember how long it took. Probably the same amount of time it took me to get my kids trained...maybe a few weeks...well, when they were ready. What I do remember was stepping in a lot of puppy puddles and piles in the house for however long it took, which was way too long in my book.

And yeah, when you do get your puppy trained, that means he's trained to go outside...in your yard. How much fun does that sound like to have to go out and shovel dog poop every night when you get home from work? Especially if that's the same yard the kids play in.

At least apartment dwellers can take their dogs for a walk so they can relieve themselves everywhere else. Of course they still have to pick up and carry those prizes home with them. Sweet!

Either way, dogs will never clean up after themselves, poop or toys. At least kids will eventually learn how to use the toilet by themselves and not have to wake you up to go outside. And, bonus, they'll even learn how to flush the toilet!  

Ok, yes, a dog will clean their own hiney's so I'll give you that one.

2. Entertainment: You’re at your dog’s mercy.

All dogs are pack animals which means they are happier and healthier when they are running around and hanging around other dogs or at least one person. So unless you have a huge yard in which they can run and play all day you will have to schedule daily morning and afternoon walks as well as time to play fetch.

But wait, that’s not all. You must also have time to sit with Fido and cuddle and talk with him. He loves the attention, just like kids. There is no substitute for that. And they will love you back...so there’s a bonus.

"He’s going at it like a dog with a bone!"

Have you ever heard that phrase? You’ll learn what it means real quick the first time you leave your dog home alone - inside or outside - when you have to run to the store or, say, go to work every day.

Know this: Dogs like to dig! They are constantly looking for that elusive bone. So when you do have to leave them home alone be prepared for torn up furniture, sheets, carpet, chewed up shoes, and trash all over the house, not to mention the holes in any window screens or anything else they attempt to dig at.

If you leave them alone outside you might as well say goodbye to your grass, garden, trees, patio furniture, etc. Hey, they get bored and they need to find that damn bone!

At least kids will eventually get to the point where they can go out and make new friends and entertain themselves. And if you "train" your kids really well they could even potentially pitch in with the housework.

3. Protection: Saving your life.

While some dogs are smart enough to alert a neighbor (in the right environment) if you get hurt, they’ll never be able to pick up a phone or text for help. Period. Most five year olds know how to make a call.

On the other hand, there are quite a few breeds that can rip the arm off an attacker. Which can be a good thing when someone breaks into your house or just attacks you in broad daylight. But as a dog owner, you need to make sure that if you are going to be walking your dog out in public on a regular basis, that he is of the temperament to know friend from foe. While some dogs have this “built in,” many do not. So this may require some owner/doggy behavioral training.

4. Communication: Love that body language.

I’m sorry but dogs will never master the spoken word. Facial expressions and body language are the best you can hope for. Although there is nothing like that look of love on their cute little faces when when you get home from a long day at work. And they’ll cuddle up to you on the couch in a heartbeat. In this, they don’t differ from kids one bit!

But then there's alos that barking thing. Yeah, that’s their way of talking. If they’re lonely, they’ll be barking to see if other dogs will answer back, or to get your attention, or to alert you of danger, maybe. It’s up to you to figure out which is which. The really cool thing is if you don’t figure it out, your neighbors will start pounding on your door in the middle of the night to remind you to do so.

At least kids will eventually be able to talk with you on a decent level. You may not want to hear what they have to say (again,a whole ‘nother discussion), but at least you’ll know what they’re saying.

5. Self Preservation: Dogs will never learn how to prepare their own meals.

Nope, they can’t open the can or the bag. (Unless you leave the bag out where they can get to it. But then they’ll tear into it and eat till they drop.) And if you’re going for a more ‘natural’ diet for Fido, he’ll never be able to chop and cook the meat and serve himself.

If you think it’s a good idea to leave out enough food to last a couple of days, maybe while you spend a weekend at a friend’s house, think again. Dogs have no self regulation when it comes to eating. They will lick their dish dry the first day and then starve the rest of the time. That’s if they don’t make themselves sick from overeating...which is yet another problem.

Yeah, I know, I know, babies start out by depending on you too. But they do get to a point where they can pour their own cereal and milk and then eventually have the capability to advance on to cooking full-on meals. Babies and kids also know to stop eating when they’re full.

6. Vacations: Good luck with that.

You can’t ever leave a dog home alone (overnight) because they will eventually starve as I mentioned above. Not to mention the issues with self entertainment as I also already touched on under the “Self Entertainment” section above. So vacations become a challenge because you’ll have three choices for Fido when you’re planning a vacation:

  • One, pay for a good, reputable boarding facility.
  • Two, constantly ask friends or relatives to come over DAILY to feed and walk and clean up after your dog. Hopefully said friends or relatives don’t have allergies.
  • Three, take your puppy with you with the hopes that all hotels, campgrounds and restaurants (along with other travelers) will welcome it and be able to accommodate it.

    I know some hotels are now “pet friendly” but you have to pay a pet fee between $25 - $50 per pet. I know because I’ve have to pay when moving a long distance with my two cats. Yikes!

And don’t think you can just sneak them in without mentioning it and without anyone noticing. Hahaha!!! For those of us without dogs, guess what: they do have a smell.

And I’ve learned the hard way that some maids have allergies...so yeah, they will figure it out. Also remember that the check-in clerk does have a copy of your credit card so you will be charged.

The nice thing about kids? Well, you can always take them with you or ask a friend or relative to watch them. And bonus, if all goes well as they get older they can stay home alone for longer periods of time. Eventually they move out and take care of themselves.

Pssst! Did you notice I didn’t bring up the cost? Just know It’s not about money, it’s about time and effort. Which by the way, is exactly the same with kids. Y’all need to put a lot of thought into both decisions.

So here’s the deal.

Yes, puppies are very cute and very lovable, but like kids, they require a lot of time, work, energy and love. And since they never learn how to talk or take care of themselves, it’s like having a toddler for 12 – 15 years (depending on the breed).

So when anyone tries to tug at your heartstrings and tries to convince you to adopt a puppy for whatever reason, keep this list in mind.

My Intent

It’s not my intent to discourage people from adopting puppies and dogs. My intent is to educate people so they know exactly what they are getting into when they talk about adopting a puppy during these “clear the shelters” campaigns, or getting their kids a puppy for birthdays or Christmas. There’s nothing worse than having a cute puppy that falls in love with you, you and the kids fall in love with him, and then you decide after a few weeks that it’s too much work. Now you have to give it away.

How do you think that little guy feels? Not just your kids, but the puppy!

I’ve seen this happen so many times and it just breaks my heart every single time. Especially because I know I don’t have the desire, or the time or energy to help. All I can do is educate people and hopefully prevent at least one broken-hearted puppy.

I wish you the best whatever you decide to do.

