Whether you choose to build a "stick built" house or a manufactured home, you're in for one heck of a journey. There are so many moving parts to this process and not one vendor (that I talked with) can pull out a sheet of paper with a checklist on it. Well, I don't know about you, but I LOVE checklists! And that's basically what this little book is.
When Tom and I chose to buy land and a manufactured home, personally, I was hoping to just sit back and let the pros handle it. But I found out really quick that I desperately needed to know where we were in the process, and what the next steps were. Silly me, I wanted to know this so that I could figure out when to hire movers, give my 30-day notice at the apartment in which we were living, and how long I'd have to continue paying on the storage unit containing all of our worldly belongings.
So I started taking notes. Each time I stopped by the office and asked the same old questions, I was happy they didn't throw me out, but I also wrote down everything they said. And I was so much happier! And now, so are their customers! This book is the greatest little guideline ever.
If you choose to work with Future Homes of Bremerton, located in Bremerton, they might have a copy with your name on it. Or you can click here to buy your copy now.
If you choose to work with another builder, click on the button below to order a more general version from Amazon.From permits to the well-water inspections to clearing the land, it's always nice to know what's happening, when and why!