Sigh...one of the hardest times of my life...
"Dear Mom,
I have arrived safely at MCRD San Diego, California and have been assigned to Platoon 1005, Alpha Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion. We have two Drill Instructors and one Senior Drill Instructor for our platoon that will be with us every day, every where we go."

I was one of the lucky moms because my son, Alan, loved to write.
This book is a compilation of all the letters he wrote to me during his twelve weeks at MCRD, San Diego. They provide a unique insider's look at what really goes on.
While in boot camp, recruits are not allowed the use of telephones or computers, so writing letters is their only form of communication. Reading his words really helped keep my blood pressure under control as I came to realize that it’s not as bad as the movies portray it to be, thank God!
Yes, this is just one recruit’s eye-opening account of boot camp from the inside. But I believe Alan's letters will help to calm most parents' fears and, at the same time, raise awareness of a great (free) educational opportunity, as well as an exciting career opportunity for those young adults who just got out of high school and have no idea what to do with their lives.
Per Alan’s request, 10% of all profits will be donated to the DAV. (Disabled American Veterans)