The Sad, Unspoken Fallout from the US Shutdown

Dick Knuth General Information, In My Opinion, Life After 18, Parenting, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article.I think the media needs to get on board with these United States. It appears that most of the major television stations are driven by their owner’s personal political agendas which is a giant failure to these United States. Here are some of the way’s they and our politicians …

2020: Do You Think Our Presidents Should Be Dictators?

Dick Knuth General Information, In My Opinion, Life After 18, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article.We Can’t Have it Both Ways Some of the most common posts I see on social media these last few months hover around a handful of conflicting statements regarding the COVID numbers and ending with, “the President is a dictator,” or “the President should have done more.” So, I’ve …

Surprise: The US Has Two “Socialized Medicine” Programs!

Dick Knuth General Information, Life After 18, Parenting, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Click this button to Save and Share the entire article. This article contains information about the socialized and/or universal health care programs in the US, Canada, France, England and China (just for good measure). This document was born…This document was born based on frequent comments and posts I see on social media. The common train of thought is that free …

Aunt Roberta & Uncle Bill Changed My Life!

Dick Knuth General Information, Life After 18, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

I had so much to look forward to after high school graduation……and in June of 1975 a trip to sunny, southern California was at the very top of my list! How cool was that?! Mom & Dad bought me a brand spanking new set of luggage, a few new clothes, and Mom made me a very professional looking suit in …

7 Reasons Most Diets Fail

Dick Knuth General Information, In My Opinion, Life After 18, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

1. Big, Bold AnnouncementsDon’t, just don’t tell anyone you’re on a diet. That way you don’t get everyone’s unsolicited advice and daily check-ins like this: How’re you doing? I’ve lost x number of pounds, how about you? Don’t eat that. Are you sure you want to eat that? Remember, you’re on a diet. Gotta cut carbs. Blah blah blah. After …