Four Ways to Fail

Dick Knuth General Information, Life After 18, Parenting, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Click to Save and Share a copy of this article.What did Jimmy Buffett do?By Lee Silber I often use Jimmy Buffett as an example of what’s possible even if you’re not the most talented, tallest, best connected, or smartest person in the room—because early on, Jimmy was none of those things. Most know the Jimmy Buffett who is one …

There is only one thing you can say about the “New Normal:” We WILL run out of other people’s money.

Dick Knuth General Information, In My Opinion, Life After 18, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article.Economic Rule Number One The govt doesn’t generate revenue. That means no one working in the Capitol sells a product or a service for which they charge a fee. Period.Economic Rule Number TwoWe will eventually run out of other people’s money. And here is why. Ahhh Romance! The most …

Jan’s Easy Peasy New Year’s Resolution Busting Diet Routine

Dick Knuth General Information, In My Opinion, Life After 18, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article.Diets! UGH! Since I SO hate even the thought of a diet you can bet that you won’t even know you’re dieting as you begin to work some of these simple changes into your daily life. They say it takes 30 days to start a new habit which is …