A Single Mom's Tips for Raising Children

Every Mom has had more than her share of unsolicited advice, right? I mean, it begins the minute you announce your pregnancy and it NEVER stops!!! Then, when I became a single mom the looks of pity bestowed upon my kids and the judgmental, back-handed comments (directed toward me) were unbelievable! For example, "Your poor kids are always going to be in trouble because there's no man in the house and it's gonna be too much for you to handle everything on your own what with working all the time and never having any money." Seriously??? Grrrrr!
Personally, I think when it comes to raising kids, common sense rules. But wait, what if that sense is not as “common” as we think? I mean, I told my 18-month-old daughter how babies are made. Would that be considered "common sense?" Maybe, maybe not. But as you read my explanation for it, you may be right there with me.
If you've got a baby on the way or are already exhausted chasing a toddler or two around the house, you'd better pick up a copy of this book as soon as possible and see if you can't find a few quick and easy (and free) tips that'll get you through all kinds of challenging situations you'll be facing as you raise them! It's a complete collection of everything I did to raise my kids (did I mention quick, easy and free?), with, what I believe to this day, are great results.
"First of all, the photos throughout the book are so precious & make it so much more personal. From beginning to end I found it very informative.
I loved that you shared your own story. Never at all throughout the book do I feel anything you said was "outlandish" or way out of reach for what and how I want to raise my future children.
I can honestly tell you that when I have my own family & children, I'll revert back to several things you wrote about especially in regards to discipline. I never knew that children form their beliefs and values by the time they are seven! I had no idea. I've passed this along to my sister who has a 2 & 4 yr old. Thank you sending this to me. You need to pat yourself for a job well done!"
Ashley Elliot
"I love Jan Nast's passion about parenting and her willingness to share her findings with others. Her style is straight from the hip and will help clarify your own philosophy of parenting."
Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and The Secret
"Jan Nast has a lot to say about raising kids. Her passion and directness are a breath of fresh air. Bravo, Jan!"
Martha Lawrence, author of Pisces Rising and Ashes of Aries
"The bulleted marks on the back of your bookmark give me hope for the future. I think every parent should read your book, especially because it appears to promote personal responsibility, consequences and real parenting."
Kevin Gerard, author of Connor and the Crossworlds